Interactive Portal | Android | IPhone
The Purpose of the project "VISITO Tuscany" is to investigate and realize technologies able to offer an interactive and customized advanced tour guide service to visit the cities of art in Tuscany.
Specifically, the project focuses on offering some services to be used:
- Before the tour, both the information sent by other users and their experiences, can be employed by the user to better plan his own visit, together with the information already included in the database system and, more generally, on the web. The interaction will take place through advanced methods based on 3D display.
- During the city tour, the mobile device is used by the user to get detailed information about what he’s watching, or about the context he’s placed in. While taking pictures of monuments, places and other close-up objects, the user points out what, according to him, seems to be more interesting. When pictures are taken with geolocalized information, if available, and with information on the profile automatically acquired or proposed by the user, they’ll be processed by the system to infer which are the user’s interests and to provide him relevant and customized information. For example, if a user keen on architecture, takes a picture of the bell tower of Giotto, he can get detailed information describing the bell tower, its structural techniques, similar monuments, etc.
- After the tour, the user can access the pictures and the itinerary he followed through advanced mode of interaction based on 3D display. Moreover, he might share his information and experiences with other users by creating social networks.

The Book introducing to VISITO-Tuscany (printing formats: simple or book).

Panoramic view of Florence (photo: Alinari, courtesy Hotel Baglioni)