Augmented Reality (VISITO-Tuscany)
Prototipo per iPhone
Prototipo per Symbian
The VISITO-Tuscany application can be downloaded on Android Store: You can download it through the following ways: • Go to Google market and search for application called VISITO Tuscany (just use the search keyword "visito") • From your phone's browser by visiting this URL: market://details?id=it.visitotuscany
The VISITO-Tuscany application can be downloaded on iTunes (iPhone):
You can download it through the following ways: • Go to iTunes APP store and search for application called VISITO Tuscany (just use the search keyword "visito") • From your phone's browser by visiting this URL:
Treasure City, and VISITO-Tuscany
Visual Treasure Hunt during the Giugno Pisano
Day and Month: From 1 June 2011 until September 2011; Location: Pisa; Time: day time; Type of event: Entertainment recreational-cultural; Device: use of personal smart-phone (Android and iPhone)
How it works, Playing field: The game will take place in the historical quarters of Pisa with walking itineraries (the maximum walk distance is 2 km). Goal of the game is to follow an itinerary in stages, covering places of historical and artistic relevance, with a mechanism similar to a treasure hunt: clues and riddles to move between stages (in the meantime we will tell you an interesting story). Itineraries and steps: Itineraries lead the visitor-players around the city, to discover the town’s architectural and cultural treasures. You go to the next stage of the itinerary by solving riddles. Solving the riddles: in order to check that you solved a riddle you have to take a picture of the monument, building, or a detail indicated by the riddle. The system will check it and, if correct, it will propose the next riddle. Duration and length of the game: the proposed trails lead visitors around Pisa on journeys that are about 1h-2h, or around 2 km in length.
Use your mobile smart-phone:
- The Visual Treasure Hunt game is a feature of the system VISITO Tuscany ( that can be used by downloading the application "VISITO Tuscany" on your iPhone or Android phone. - The Visual Treasure Hunt game lets you follow specific itineraries through the city of Pisa. - The VISITO Tuscany application, including the Visual Treasure Hunt game, can be downloaded and used completely free of charge. - The VISITO Tuscany application allows you to obtain information on the artistic and cultural heritage of Florence, Pisa and San Gimignano, simply by photographing them with your smart-phone.
General duration of the game
- The Visual Treasure Hunt will cover the entire period of the June and then will be extended at least until the end of the project VISITO-Tuscany (September 2011). If you want to play the game and you would like to receive more information, write to
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June 18, 2011: The Visual Treasure Hunt will publish a special theme dedicated to the ‘Gioco del Ponte’ on the 18th of June (
Visito Tuscany integrates many cutting edge technologies developed by project partners.
This section contains an overview of these technologies.
NeMIS Lab: