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We will attend at BIT on the 18th of February in Milan, presenting VISITO-Tuscany.

The tourists choose Tuscany and they use VISITO-Tuscany interactive app.


Interview to Cristina Scaletti, Assessore Turismo Regione Toscana.

VISITO-Tuscany has been presented during the event: Salone dei Beni Culturali in Venice.



VISITO-Tuscany has been demonstrated during the BTO2011  in Florence


La presentazione dell'applicativo VISITO-Tuscany, ha avuto luogo il 2 Dicembre 2011.

VISITO-Tuscany will attend and present its results at  DNA  Italia

VISITOTUSCANY joins the DNA Italia event in Turin on the 3rd  November 2011. Visit us at 10.30 am: Sala Malva, Padiglione 3, Lingotto Fiere di Torino:

“Festival della Scienza 150 and beyond” in Genua


VISITOTUSCANY joins the Festival  from 21 October – 2 November 2011, with a stand at Palazzo Ducale. The personnel of the stand will be available to visitors for explanations, demo and flyers distribution of VISITO system.



Visito Tuscany will be present at Lu.Be.C. Lucca Beni Culturali 2011, October 20-22,


Visito Tuscany will be present at Lu.Be.C. Lucca Beni Culturali 2011, October 20-22,

Organised by Promo PA Fondazione Lu.Be.C. is  the international meeting dedicated to the development and understanding of the cultural heritage sector - technology - tourism that takes place every year in Lucca during the third week of October.
Attended by a qualified public of administrators, managers, sector professionals and practitioners Lu.Be.C. is a pivotal moment of the debate between government and business, a meeting place of cultural accumulation, a generator of development; Lu.Be.C. shows from year to year, a decisive increase of public and an increasingly high quality of interventions.

The two days of Lucca alternating plenary sessions, debates, seminars, presentations and previews, proposes -through the analysis of data, research, business models and use cases- intervention strategies and axes of cooperation through a new organization always  aimed at stimulating discussion and ideas.
Thanks to  Lu.Be.C. Digital Technology- the exhibition on innovation technology - applied to the digital enhancement of cultural heritage  and territorial marketing, Lu.Be.C. is also the stage for companies and institutions that want to present to the public their projects  and meet new partners.

The project VISITO Tuscany will participate with a stand and a presentation:

Morning, 9:30 to 13:00, Friday, 'Oct. 21

"VISITO Tuscany" interact to know "
Roberto Scopigno, Research Director of the Institute CNR-ISTI


Visit us at stand 14


Dì News - 21 Ottobre 2011 - Lubec 2011 from Dì Lucca on Vimeo.






7 October 2011, Florence
Palace: Sacrati Strozzi

hour 09.00 - 13.00



Treasure City, and VISITO-Tuscany

Visual Treasure Hunt during the Giugno Pisano

Day and Month: From 1 June 2011 until September 2011; Location: Pisa;  Time: day time; Type of event: Entertainment recreational-cultural; Device: use of personal smart-phone (Android and iPhone)

How it works, Playing field: The game will take place in the historical quarters of Pisa with walking itineraries (the maximum walk distance is 2 km). Goal of the game is to  follow an itinerary in stages, covering places of historical and artistic relevance, with a mechanism similar to a treasure hunt: clues and riddles to move between stages (in the meantime we will tell you an interesting story). Itineraries and steps: Itineraries lead the visitor-players around the city, to discover the town’s architectural and cultural treasures. You go to the next stage of the itinerary by solving riddles. Solving the riddles: in order to check that you solved a riddle you have to take a picture of the monument, building, or a detail indicated by the riddle. The system will check it and, if correct, it will propose the next riddle. Duration and length of the game: the proposed trails lead visitors around Pisa on journeys that are about 1h-2h, or around 2 km in length.

Use your mobile smart-phone:

- The Visual Treasure Hunt game is a feature of the system VISITO Tuscany ( that can be used by downloading the application "VISITO Tuscany" on your iPhone or Android phone.
- The Visual Treasure Hunt game lets you follow specific itineraries through the city of Pisa.
- The VISITO Tuscany application, including the Visual Treasure Hunt game, can be downloaded and used completely free of charge.
- The VISITO Tuscany application allows you to obtain information on the artistic and cultural heritage of Florence, Pisa and San Gimignano, simply by photographing them with your smart-phone.

General duration of the  game

- The Visual Treasure Hunt will cover the entire period of the June and then will be extended at least until the end of the project VISITO-Tuscany (September 2011). If you want to play the game and you would like to receive more information, write to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

June 18, 2011: The Visual Treasure Hunt will publish a special theme dedicated to the ‘Gioco del Ponte’ on the  18th of June (


The Game can be downloaded now on Android Store
You can download it through the following ways:
•    Go to Google  market and search for application called VISITO Tuscany (just use the search keyword "visito")
•    From your phone's browser by visiting this URL: market://details?id=it.visitotuscany


The Game can be downloaded now on iTunes (iPhone)

You can download it through the following ways:
•    Go to iTunes APP store  and search for application called VISITO Tuscany (just use the search keyword "visito")
•    From your phone's browser by visiting this URL:

5-8 May 2011:  Come and visit our stand during the Internet Festival in Pisa

Stand location


4th May 2011:  Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts


Museums and the Web 2011 (MW2011)

Museums and the Web is an annual conference exploring the social, cultural, design, technological, economic, and organizational issues of culture, science and heritage on-line. Taking an international perspective, MW reviews and analyzes the issues and impacts of networked cultural, natural and scientific heritage – wherever the network may reach.


(photo: Alinari)

(photo: Alinari)



Technological Collaboration: VISITO - WeKnowIt

VISITO-Tuscany since January 2011 is collaborating with the EU finded project WeKnowIt:

WeKnowIt is a 3 year Integrated Project developing novel techniques for exploiting multiple layers of intelligence from user-generated content, which together constitute Collective Intelligence, a form of intelligence that emerges from the collaboration and contributions of many individuals.

15-19 Novemer 2010: Florens 2010

VISITO-Tuscany will participate to Florens 2010:

Monday 15 Novemer, Palazzo Vecchio, Sala delle Miniature

ICT and Technologies for the communication of Cultural Heritage
16.30 – 18.30: Multimedia technologies to communicate CH
Coordinated by: Alberto Del Bimbo , Roberto Scopigno
Presentations byi Visito-Tuscany team: Roberto Scopigno (CNR Pisa), Sam Minelli (Alinari)



Friday 19 Novemer, Palazzo Scarati Strozzi (Piazza Duomo 10)

Art and Digital Media: New frontiers improving Art Heritage
11.30 – 13.30: Art and new media, applications for the future
Coordinated by: Piero Muscarà (Nexta)
Moderator: Enrico Pagliarini (Radio 24); Presentations byi Visito-Tuscany team: Sam Minelli (Alinari)

Brochure cover

Brochure program

11-13 Novemer 2010: Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze

VISITO-Tuscany  will participate to the event Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze:



30 October 2010: Associazione Amici Del Gioco Del Ponte Pisa

VISITO-Tuscany has supported the photographic contest of the Associazione Amici Del Gioco Del Ponte di Pisa.

(photo: Alinari)



October 2010: Frankfurt Book Fair

VISITO-Tuscany has been presented at the  stand of Alinari 24ORE (Gruppo 24 ORE) during the Frankfurter Buchmesse

(stand Gruppo 24 ORE, Frankfurt Book Fair, photo: Alinari)

Settembre 2010: ICT 2010-ECWT (European Centre for Women and Technology)

VISITO-Tuscany è stato presente allo stand di ECWT (European Centre for Women and Technology)  durante la conferenza ICT 2010, che si è tenuto dal 27 al 20 settembre 2010 a Bruxelles. Sono stati presentati i video delle Demo, posters,  e distribuite brochures-> maggiori informazioni qui.


(Foto: Alinari)

EU Commission at ICT

(Foto: Alinari)

EU Commission at ICT

( Foto: Alinari)

Giugno 2010: Dimostrazione Applicazione VISITO a Pisa

La dimostrazione dell’ applicativo VISITO TUSCANY è stata effettuata in piazza dei Cavalieri a Pisa, l'11 Giugno 2010.

Hanno partecipato:

Marco FilippeschiSindaco di Pisa
Giuseppe ForteAssessore alle Attività Produttive del Comune di Pisa
Claudio MontaniDirettore ISTI-CNR, Presidente dell’Area della Ricerca di Pisa

La rassegna stampa dell'evento è disponibile presso: visito-tuscany/rassegna stampa

Il Sindaco di Pisa Marco Filippeschi, intervista

Intervista a Marco FilippeschiSindaco di Pisa (foto: Alinari)

Ass. Giuseppe Forti prova il prototipo

L'Assessore Giuseppe Forte mentre utilizza il primo prototipo di Visito Tuscany.

(foto: Alinari)

Un momento della dimostrazione

alcuni momenti delledella demo  di Pisa (11.06.2010)

Alcuni momenti delle demo di Pisa (foto: Alinari)